LET THE DIALOGUES FLOW - Learning from your favorite dialogues

Event info

  • Saturday 23 February 2019 at 10:00 - Sunday 24 February 2019 at 18:00
  • Add to my calendar:
  • Filmarche e.V. Lahnstraße 25; 12055 Berlin


LET THE DIALOGUES FLOW -- Dozentin: Katti Jisuk Seo

Bring a dialogue that fascinates you - together we analyze the shit out of it. Learn from it. Write it. Spice up your own dialogues.

Analyzing - Tooling - Writing

→ Language: English (but you can write in any language and the dialogue of your choice might be in any language - if you can translate it)

Bring a dialogue scene that touches, shocks or fascinates you, that totally draws you in, a dialogue that you can’t get out of your head. You always wondered what’s behind the power of those characters’ words and you would love to let your own dialogues flow like that. Let’s analyze the hidden dynamic in this film dialogue of your choice (not longer than 5 minutes). Together with Katti Jisuk Seo, you will discover TOOLS and apply them in CREATIVE WRITING exercises. Katti will guide you through ANALYZING those dialogue scenes in THINK TANKS. Step by step you will break down the power of dialogues that flow like ping pong: subtext, body language, power games, arguments, dilemma dynamic, backstory hints, rhythm, visual storytelling in dialogues, relationship between words and images, conflict dynamic, worldview clashes, non-linear insights etc. This way you build your own pool of dialogue tools to use in our creative exercises for writing cinematically.

In addition to your own writing method being developed here, Katti will share the most important steps of HOW SHE WRITES DIALOGUES HERSELF.

Please send a dialogue scene of your choice to Katti Jisuk Seo by February 18th to mail@kattijisuk.com :

  • film title (fiction, non-fiction, all genres, if series only pilots)
  • time code of the scene (not longer than 5 minutes)
  • 1-2 sentences what fascinates you about that dialogue
  • and if possible a link where you provide the film or just the scene for me or a hint where I can get it.

official website: Katti Jisuk Seo


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